Recently two vulnerabilities in microprocessors have been discovered, practically all computers and mobile devices are impacted by these two security flaws. Due to the structure of the flaws, they allow malicious software (like “malware” or “viruses”) to access your personal data such as online banking access or private data and even to manipulate data in other apps (eg wire money via mobile banking or send messages in your name).
Verify now if your smartphone is protected and still receives updates!
In the News:
What vulnerabilities have been discovered recently?
Meltdown allows malicious apps to access the memory of your smartphone and access sensitive information.
Spectre allows malicious applications to access the secrets of your apps such as online banking access.
Altre falle
Many other vulnerabilities exist that your phone might not be protected against due to a lack of security updates for your device.
Security Statistics
of all mobile apps fail basic security tests.
of Android apps are infected with or contain a virus.
> 100%
is the growth of apps with malware and viruses in 2016.
> 70%
of the smartphones released more than 24 moths ago, are not protected and / or updated.
How can I protect my device?
Smartphone manufacturers update their products to remove security vulnerabilities of the software and the hardware.
Check here if your smartphone will receive an update.
If possible download the latest update.
If your device will not receive updates, read below.
What can I do if my device will not receive updates?
If your smartphone will not receive updates we recommend you to do the following:
Delete all sensitive data from the smartphone.
Stop using sensitive services like online banking.
Buy a new or refurbished smartphone.
Are riCompro's smartphones safe to use?
riCompro only sells refurbished iPhones that still receive updates, with riCompro your information are safe!
Updated operating system.
Does not contain apps not allowed by the manufacturer